Dental Insurance
As a courtesy to our patients with dental benefit plans, we will submit necessary claim forms, receipts, and other information to your insurance company to aid in the direct reimbursement to you. Note our financial policy is payment is due in full at the time of service.
Your dental plan is a form of compensation provided by your employer. You can most often expect the carrier (insurance company) to reimburse you for a portion of our fee. That portion is determined by the contract between your employer and the insurance company. Most dental insurance policies are limited and often only pay for a portion of the procedure(s) that may need to be done.
Although we are not a party to the contractual arrangement with your insurance company, we do want to help you receive the maximum reimbursement to which you are entitled. As a convenience to you we will process your insurance claims in order for you to receive this maximum benefit. We will also gladly send dental x-rays and a written diagnostic report should your insurance company require further explanation of treatment.
As a courtesy, we ask that you keep us informed of any change to your insurance. It is important that all information about you and your insurance is current.